Friday, July 13, 2012

On Clefts and Children

In addition to the previously mentioned social and environmental issues, I must add Smile Train to the psudeo-database.

While I was lucky to be born into a country in the developed world, to parents who did whatever they had to do, as much as they possibly could, to help me overcome any challenges I might have faced by having a cleft lip and palate, not everyone is as lucky.

It was bad enough growing up being different to the other children. I cannot even imagine what it would have been like without the surgery. And in the developing world? It's a veritable death sentence. Not physically, but emotionally and psychologically. Adults can usually deal with being ostracized. Children though, are fragile creatures. Even if you just read through the program's goals and aims, it brings the program to the attention of more people. Pass it on, please.


Peace and Love,

Saturday, July 7, 2012


     When confronted with a problem, an issue, an injustice, humanity can go one of three ways: Defense of the victim, neutrality, or support of the attacker. In an era in which global diversity and integration go hand in hand, how is it that something as intrinsic to individual and socio-cultural identity as gender identity and sexual orientation can become reason enough for some to be discriminated against.
      Why does society perpetuate these problems, if not to attempt control over at least part of the population. Governments have ruled through force and fear for millennial; the difference is that now most people can speak out about social injustice without fear of imminent execution. I say most because I know there are many for whom this is a very real threat. Even in areas where freedom of speech is protected and protests allowed, if others in the crowd disagree, the individual's live still may be in peril.

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Bridegroom: An American Love Story

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